Veteran American Journalist

Whitehouse Pressroom

Posse Fondation D.C. Welcomes CNN's Joe Johns and Corporate Leaders.
Summer 2017.
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14 Questions for CNN's Joe Johns.
By Margaret Greco, November 22, 2016.
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CNN Reporter to Carney: Does Obama "Feel as Though He's Above the Law?". Taliban Prisoners
By Evan McMurry. June 2, 2014.
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Joe Johns promoted at CNN.
By Dylan Byers, January 15, 2014.
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CNN's Joe Johns on the gun control hearing today, including former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the NRA CEO.
Source: CNN.
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Voters In America: Who Counts – Joe Johns investigates voter suppression, voter fraud.
In an encore presentation to air on Saturday, Oct. 20 at 8:00pm and 11:00pm ET and PT, CNN senior correspondent Joe Johns investigates the impact of tough new voter laws with a particular focus on 80 new voting law changes in the battleground state of Florida – and how those changes may affect the outcome of the 2012 presidential election for Voters in America: Who Counts.
October 19, 2012
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The Anthrax Mystery – CNN’s Joe Johns Investigates.
CNN's Joe Johns reports for a documentary investigation into the anthrax letter attacks of 2001. Letters written with jihadist language and laced with deadly anthrax spores were sent via U.S. Mail to members of the news media and Congress in the weeks following the September 11 attacks on New York City and the Pentagon.
September 29, 2011.
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Tony Rutherford interview with CNN Correspondent Joe Johns.
Liberty and Security Constant Balanced in First Amendment; U.S. Nuclear Plant Face Accountability, Scrutiny.HNN with Tony Rutherford
May 1, 2011.
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Joe Johns, NBC News Moderator. National Security and the Media.
Moderated by Mr. Johns, the panelists discussed whether the media should cover national security policy as reporters or as watchdogs in the post-September 11 world. Topics included freedom of the press, anonymous sources, government honesty, intelligence agencies, and media competition. After their presentations the panelists answered audience members' questions. The panel is part of a conference on "Emerging Issues in National and International Security."
March 21, 2005. Part of Homeland Security and Provate Industry.
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Joe Johns, NBC News Moderator. Media Coverage and Government Security.
Participants spoke to students about media coverage of the war on terrorism and reporting on sensitive national security material. Among the issues they addressed were Defense Department guidelines for allowing reporters to accompany military units, proper restraint by members of the media, and consultation between the media and military officials. Following their remarks they answered questions from the audience.
February 14, 2003.
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Joe Johns, NBC Capitol Hill Correspondent. 1996 Campaign Issues.
Participants discussed the 1996 campaign. They examined several topics, including the 1994 elections and congressional activities and major campaign issues, especially economic security. They also took questions from the audience. At the end of the discussion, they each made predictions for the presidential race.
May 6, 1996.
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Joe Johns, NBC News. Washington Sunday Journal.
Interviews, video clips and vignettes illustrated the political issues and events of the previous week. Topics included Rep. Newt Gingrich’s book deal, the first few weeks of the 104th Congress, and Tuesday's State of the Union speech.
January 22, 1995.
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